Our firm is part of GRUP20, an association of medium-sized professional offices that endeavours to deliver improvement across the processes, organisation and social outreach of accounts auditing.

Grup20 was established at the initiative of a number of different auditing companies that decided to create a reflection, discussion and opinion forum on aspects concerning auditing, particularly its role in society and, in general, everything related to transparency in economic and financial reporting.

It has always been the association's aim to strive for the reinforcement and ongoing improvement of all issues surrounding the world of auditing. From its creation, Grup20 has advocated the articulation of priority measures to help strengthen the image of the profession.

The idea was to create an appropriate transmission channel for concerns and reflections to launch discussions about the need for auditor independence and the search for new instruments that ensure it, all with the goal of helping the public better understand the job of the auditor and the importance of auditing in a market where transparency in information is vital.

The forum has been established as an association since 18 May 2010.

Plenary session of Grupo20 Auditoría meets with Santiago Durán, president of the ICAC, with the participation of Maite Romero, Albert Sanromà and Gonzalo Fábregas on behalf of Forward Economics.

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